Pay for games in 2024 for
ALL Traveling games: 9 - 12 Traveling
will now be $60.00 per Game. 13 - 15
will be $65.00 per game. 16 - 18 Traveling
will now be $75.00 per game (MBL) - Metro
Baseball League games will have an added incentive
too. You will receive $125.00 extra from MBL
everytime you reach 25 MBL games. This payment
will NOT be added to your game totals with North
Metro Umpire Association so they will NOT increase
any Federal 1099NEC amounts for you.
Also for 2024 You can
text me with the games you would like each month and
then text me every two weeks and if you have a VENMO
account, I will VENMO you your money directly to you
Fast with NO waiting for your money. If you have trouble
setting up a Venmo account let me know.
If you would rather just get a check we can do that
too. VENMO has changed their policy so now 13
& Above can have their own VENMO accounts.
These accounts are tied to your OWN bank account BY
YOU so it makes if VERY safe for you